

AquaFX Octopus RO/DI System with Chloramine Blaster Upgrade (200 GPD)

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AquaFX Octopus RO/DI System with Chloramine Blaster Upgrade (200 GPD)


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The AquaFX Octopus is the most automated RO/DI system we offer. If you are really busy and have a reef tank this system may be perfect for your application. Able to produce up to 300 Gallons Per Day, this system has all kinds of cool gadgets, pressure gauge, dual inline TDS meter, booster pump to name just a few.

The AquaFX Octopus can do certain things on its own like flushing the membrane AUTOMATICALLY. It is equipped with a microprocessor that controls the entire system including the booster pump. The Octopus also features a adjustable flow restrictor so the user can adjust their waste water ratio to their specifications.

  • Microprocessor Controlled 1:1 Waste Water Ratio
  • High Pressure Bracket Mounted Booster Pump (Located Post Pre-filtration for Extended Pump Life)
  • Extended DI Life via Automatic Membrane Flush upon Startup (Greatly prolong DI life by flushing TDS Creep upon startup!)
  • Cyclic Membrane Flush (Full membrane flush upon shutdown to help prevent membrane scaling.)
  • Built in TDS meter with full (0-99)ppm range
  • High and Low Pressure Kill Switches (For Pump Protection and Full System Automation)
This RO/DI unit is setup for greatest filter life, with least amount of waste!
**Comes with double DI canister (second to left on the picture)**

High Efficiency 1-micron Sediment Pre-filter 
2-micron Chlorine Guzzler Carbon Block Pre-filter OR our exclusive Chlorine and Chloramine Removal Filters 
High Flow/ High Rejection TFC Membrane 
High-Efficiency Color-Indicating DI Cartridge 
160 PSI Pressure Gauge marked with Operating and Unsafe Ranges
All systems include quick connect fittings, a shut off valve, a filter wrench for easy cartridge replacement, and your choice of a feed adapter.
All units are made, tested and supported in the USA.

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