

Black Tip Reef Shark (California Excluded)

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Product Description

Black Tip Reef Shark (California Excluded)


This is a healthy Black Tip Reef Shark. Please read the recommendations below. No sales to California buyers are allowed (permit required). No guarantee or warranty on this species if shipped, only on physical delivery. This shark is shipped via airport cargo, and usually takes about a half a day to reach any location in the USA. We offer physical delivery to bordering California states for a fee if you prefer to not have it shipped.


**This species requires a very large tank or pond. Not available for purchase in California.**



Salinity: 1.020 - 1.023

Temp - 65 - 75 Degrees

Pond/Tank size: 3000+ gallon tank or large pond 

Eats Squid, crabs, shrimp, and small fishes

Sizes available - 20 - 24 inches




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