

Shovelnose Guitar Fish

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Product Description

Shovelnose Guitarfish - Rhinobatos productus


**(2) Shovelnoses in stock as of: 6/10/2024**


The Shovelnose GuitarfishRhinobatos Productus, is a ray in the family Rhinobatidae. It becomes mature at seven to eight years old. This shark can live up to 11 years. They come from central California south to the gulf of California.

The Shovelnose Guitarfish should be kept in a very large pond or aquarium. Fish that will nip at the fins of the Shovelnose should be kept in a separate tank. It is also recommended to supplement the shark with Vitamins that contain Iodine. The shovelnose shark is easier to feed with a feeding stick. A rock cave or structure where he/she can hide is recommended.



Salinity: 1.020 - 1.023

Temp: 65 - 75 Degrees

Tank/Pond Size: 500+ Gallon tank or 1000+ gallon pond (preferred)

Diet: Crabs, Squid, Shrimp, or Silversides

Temperment: Non-Agressive

Shipped Size: 14-20 Inches

Recommended to supplement with Vitamins containing Iodine

Fish that nip at the fins of sharks should be removed and kept in a separate tank






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